Farm Bureau Updates

Save the Dates!
Calvert County Farm Bureau Picnic May 18th!
Join the Calvert County Farm Bureau on Saturday, May 18th for their annual picnic. Starting at 4PM, the day will feature family activities such as Preakness viewing, petting zoo, playground, human hamster wheel and fishing all at beautiful Horsmon Farm (1865 Horsmon Farm Lane, St. Leonard, MD). All members are encouraged to come out and enjoy a great afternoon of food, fellowship and fun.
Attendees are asked to bring a covered dish to share, and the event is BYOB.
Calvert County Farm Tours
On September 20th, The Calvert County Farm Bureau joined an agriculture tour hosted by the Calvert County Department of Economic Development to see the diversity of agriculture in Calvert County. Stops included Linda’s Greenhouses and Jake’s Produce, Briscoe Farm and Ben’s Creek Produce, Taney Place Farm and Battle Creek Beef, and Mully’s Brewery.
They heard how farms successfully transitioned out of tobacco and expanded to welcome younger generations back to the farm.