Below you will find testimonies, claims, and examples of incidents that have occurred in Maryland including collisions with farm equipment.
Claim #1
Facebook post from a high school-aged farmer
“I don’t normally do this but this is an issue that needs to be addressed, please take a minute to read this. Let me tell you about the struggle of a farmer, we wake up before the crack of dawn and work till the sun goes down, doing what we love. You may get stuck behind a tractor on your way to work or on your way home, trying to get home to your families, but we have families too. When you see a tractor, slow down. If we’re riding the yellow going slow that means we’re turning. That guy today didn’t realize that and a lot don’t. I hope that guy who thought it was funny to flick me off and pass me going 50+ got to his destination on time and that it was worth almost plowing into the tractor and
potentially taking a life. Please be careful out there and slow down, we can’t help we’re going slow, but we can help make sure people know what to do. Thank you.”
Claim #2
A veteran farmer of twenty-five plus years was transporting his 2015 New Holland skid steer. The skid steer was a fully enclosed unit with limited visibility because of the equipment and the roll over protection system. The farmer needed to travel approx. ¼ mile on the road way to get to his new
destination on the opposite side of the two-lane road.
It was a clear and sunny day with low wind speed and no visible obstruction on the road. The farmer who had reached the entry point to his driveway began to make a left-hand turn into his drive. Unbeknownst to him, a semi-truck carrying a full load of grain, traveling approx. 55 mph, was attempting to pass him in a legal passing zone. The farmers skid steer did utilize flashing lights on both rear corners and had proper orange triangle signage.
The semi-truck allegedly did not recognize the farmers intent to turn and clipped the right rear of the skid steer, with the left front of the semi, while in the passing lane. The semi was mere inches away from a direct hit to the cab, which would have likely resulted in severe injury, luckily the farmer driving the
skid steer was unscathed.
Local Highway Patrol did not site any operator at the scene, however they did feel that the semi-truck driver should have been travelling at a safer speed and used better judgement.
Claim #3
A twenty something year old farmer was driving down a state highway on his 1970 John Deere 4020 tractor. The tractor didn’t have a cab, most didn’t back when this one was built. He purchased the farm and the equipment from his father. The farmer was pulling a John Deere mower conditioner behind the tractor. He just finished mowing a field of hay about a mile from his farm driveway. It was a clear and sunny day; the paved highway was dry. The roadway was marked as a no passing zone with double yellow lines. The farmer had activated the warning flashers on the mower and the tractor upon driving out of the field. All lights were functioning and there was a slow-moving vehicle sign mounted to each piece of equipment. The farmer noticed a car coming up on him fast from the rear. The farmer decides to put on his signal to turn well in advance of the driveway to give the other driver time to slow down. The farm also used a hand signal to indicate the upcoming turn.
The farmer slows the tractor in preparation for the turn. He looks over his shoulder and sees the car is still approaching at a fast pace. The farmer begins his left turn into the driveway and is struck mid-turn by the car. The impact threw the farmer from the seat of the tractor into the ditch 6 feet away. At impact, the mower’s hitch pin broke sending it into the opposite ditch. The left rear wheel of the tractor was broken off the axle. The driver of the car exited the vehicle with scrapes and abrasions and calls 911.
As the Highway Patrol arrived on the scene the farmer crawled out of the ditch holding his left arm with blood covering the right side of his face from a cut on his forehead. The farmer was transported to the hospital to be checked out. The driver of the car refused transport. The Highway Patrol officer began taking statements and documenting the scene which included looking for any sign of skid marks. The warning lights on the tractor and mower were still flashing as noted in the incident report. While speaking with the driver of the car, the officer determined that the driver was using a cell phone at the time of the loss.
The car was towed away from the scene as the unit was not drivable due to the extensive front end damages. The tractor and mower were moved onto the farmers property by a tow vendor as the tractor was not drivable and the mower damaged made it unable to be towed.
The farmer was released from the hospital 2 days after the accident after being diagnosed with a concussion, broken ribs and a broken left arm. The tractor was determined to be a total loss as was the mower. The driver of the car was charged with passing in a no passing zone violation, speeding and distracted driving for being on their cell phone at the time of the loss.