Queen Anne’s County Young Farmers Earn National Recognition in Agricultural Achievement

SAN ANTONIO, TX: Alan and Rachel Eck, farmers from Queen Anne’s County, Maryland, secured 4th place in the prestigious Young Farmers & Ranchers Achievement Award at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s Annual Convention in San Antonio, Texas. Competing against young farmers from across the country, their fourth place finish establishes them as one of the top young farmers in America.

Rachel and Alan Eck Accept Achievement in Agriculture from American Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall
The Ecks operate a diverse farm in Queen Anne’s County, where they produce grain, broiler chickens, hogs, and hydroponic vegetables. Given their proximity to the Chesapeake Bay, they have been long practitioners of sustainable and precision agriculture practices that protect the environment while enhancing productivity. The Ecks serve on the Maryland Farm Bureau Board of Directors and are longtime members of Farm Bureau and the Maryland Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee.

Alan poses with his son Easton and wife Rachel at their hydroponic farm operation
The Achievement Award recognizes young farmers and ranchers who have excelled in their farming or ranching operations and exhibited superior leadership abilities. Participants are evaluated on a combination of their agricultural operation’s growth and financial progress, Farm Bureau leadership and leadership outside of Farm Bureau. Video from the awards ceremony can be found here.

Renee Wilson competes in AFBF’s Discussion Meet
Additionally, Renee Wilson, a young farmer from Baltimore County, advanced to the “Sweet 16” in the American Farm Bureau’s Discussion Meet, placing her among the top participants nationwide. The Discussion Meet replicates a committee meeting, encouraging active dialogue on agricultural policy. Participants are judged on their ability to exchange ideas and present thoughtful solutions on preselected topics.