Jordyn Griffin
“I am a senior at Francis Scott Key High School and Carroll County Career & Technology Center for Cosmetology. I work at Uncle Matty’s Eatery as a waitress. I grew up raising beef and dairy cattle for show and sale, along with growing produce for my family’s farmers market and CSA program. I was the 2016-2017 Alternate Maryland State Dairy Princess, as well as Treasurer for my high school’s FFA program. In this coming school year, I will serve as President of my FFA chapter.”
Jordyn was selected as the 2018 Miss Maryland Agriculture 2nd Runner-Up, so she will be be representing the agriculture in her county and the state throughout her year as a Miss.
Animal Welfare
By: Jordyn Griffin
The American Veterinary Medical Association defines Animal Welfare as “how an animal is coping with the conditions in which it lives”. Unfortunately, the agricultural industry often becomes the focal point for many issues pertaining to animal welfare. Many times, when issues do arise they are fueled by misinformation, false and fabricated stories, or blatant attacks from activists trying to further their own agenda. Therefore, agriculturalists must pay close attention to the care and welfare of their livestock. Providing all things necessary to ensure safety, as well as comfort in our herds and flocks is a concern for every farmer. Items such as fresh bedding, cooling and heating, proper supply of food, water and shelter all help to ensure an animals welfare and prevent any negative experience. Those items are just the basic rights that we must be sure to allow our livestock access to. Animals also benefit from something known as “maximum welfare”. Maximum welfare may only be achieved by providing things like veterinary care, protection from predators, and attention to wellbeing. All of which may only be attained with human aid.
To help educate those who are not familiar with the agricultural industry, public outreach is a necessity if we as farmers want the public to understand how we ensure proper animal welfare. Sharing examples of the care, and often the affection that our animals receive is a good place to start. Practicing good animal husbandry while attending fairs and shows, posting videos on social media of ourselves having positive, relaxed interactions with our livestock, or even by simply taking the time to answer some questions from the public when we get the chance just might help someone to realize that the welfare of our livestock is always a top priority. Proving that farmers understand that proper care of their animals is a huge responsibility that cannot be taken lightly.