The following information is provided by Nationwide, the #1 farm and ranch writer in the U.S.*
Safely navigating large agricultural equipment over rural roads to and from the fields is a challenge for even the best drivers. Nationwide reminds farmers to consider the following rules on the safe operation of equipment to help reduce the risk of motor vehicle collisions.
Courts uphold agricultural equipment operator rights for road usage, and regulations for size and type usually don’t apply. But still take necessary precautions to prevent serious injury and damage and ensure that your equipment isn’t in violation. You know accidents can happen any time of day, but remember:
Left Turns
Operators tend to pull to the right when making wide left turns. Motorists may view this as permission to pass. To prevent accidents:
Before crossing rural bridges:
When driving a slow-moving vehicle, never wave a driver to pass. It’s the passing driver’s responsibility to pass – not yours. Also:
Rear-end collisions
Rural road travelers can easily be surprised by a large, slow-moving vehicle — and misjudge their speed and gap distance. To avoid rear-end collisions:
For more farm safety tips, contact your local Nationwide farm agent or visit