Our annual banquet and auction is planned for Saturday, March 16, 2019 at the Rising Sun Fire Co. Banquet Hall. This is the 89th year for this annual event.
The meal will begin at 6:30 P.M. but plan to join us at 5:00 P.M. for good farm fellowship, viewing the auction items and silent auction bidding. Cash bar available.
The banquet program will also include the presentation of the Outstanding Farm Operation of the Year Award. The fire company ladies auxiliary has served us well for the past several years but they are no longer serving large banquets such as ours. We have now contracted with Thompson’s Catering and Seafood. This caterer comes highly recommended by other county farm
bureaus that have used him at their banquets. The buffet menu for our banquet is FRIED CHICKEN, HAM, FRIED OYSTERS, CRAB BALLS, STEAMED SHRIMP, SCALLOPED POTATOES, GREEN BEANS, COLESLAW, ASSORTED PIES AND CAKES, ROLLS AND BEVERAGES. This should have your mouth watering be now.
With these changes comes an increase in the ticket price which, this year, will be $30.00.
(The cost of renting the hall is also included in this price.)
We must give the caterer a final number two weeks in advance therefore WE MUST HAVE YOUR RESERVATION BY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH. We will be unable to accommodate late reservations. Please allow ample time for mail delivery.
CLICK THIS LINK for reservation form!