En-Tice-Ment Stables in Harwood | #MemberSpotlight

En-Tice-Ment Stables in Harwood | #MemberSpotlight

Horses, the gateway to agriculture! 🐴🌾

Meet Deana Tice, the owner of En-Tice-Ment Stables in Anne Arundel County. Deana’s passion for horses goes beyond riding lessons and boarding. She takes pride being the introduction point for countless children into the world of agriculture. In fact, 10 of Anne Arundel County’s Ag Ambassadors began their journey right here.

But it’s not just about learning. The stables are a sanctuary of joy for both children and adults. Visitors can escape their daily worries and immerse themselves in the therapeutic world of equestrian fun.

“Getting to know these horses, they’re your best therapy,” says Deana. #MemberSpotlight

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