Celebrating National Ag Day today and every day

The following information is provided by Nationwide®, the #1 farm and ranch insurer in the U.S.*

National Ag Day is celebrated March 22 this year and is the perfect time to recognize the hard-working men and women of American agriculture for all they do. From keeping us fed, clothed and fueled to being the economic engine that powers rural communities, they provide so much to everyday life. That alone is something to be celebrated. But so is the fact the agriculture sector is always adjusting and evolving to keep up with ever-changing needs of customers. At Nationwide, we are too. 

Evolving Together

Technology is evolving faster than ever in agriculture today. Crop farmers, for example, are using new tools to improve crop productivity, reduce environmental impacts and improve worker safety. Other innovations help livestock producers improve animal health, work more efficiently and improve environmental sustainability. Agribusinesses are evolving how they connect with farmers and ranchers through things like digital platforms and telematics.

Staying up on advances like these can be a challenge. Nationwide is committed to helping farmers and ranchers stay ahead of today’s fast pace of evolving technology and how it affects their operations.

“Farmers and ranchers today have incredible technology at their disposal. But it can sometimes be difficult to identify what’s truly needed to make real improvements at the farm level,” said Brad Liggett, President of Nationwide Agribusiness. “Nationwide is committed to helping our customers be resilient and ready for tomorrow’s challenges.”

Working to protect your next

This year, we’re celebrating National AgricultureDay by doubling down on our commitment to protect your next. It’s a role that entails not just providing the right insurance products and services but also staying on the leading edge of technology, tools and practices farmers and ranchers depend on to get their jobs done, today and tomorrow.

“Protecting your next means being there for today and being ready for tomorrow,” Liggett said. “At Nationwide, we are always challenging ourselves to make sure we’re providing the products and services that will enable farmers and ranchers to do what they do best. And protecting your next is a big part of our commitment to the farm and ranch families and agribusinesses we serve.”

Ag Day every day 

National Ag Day is just one day out of the year. But for the #1 farm and ranch insurer in the U.S., it’s a daily commitment that has no end. Throughout the month of March, Nationwide is hosting a series of company-wide employee events to highlight the diversity of ag across the U.S.and to celebrate Nationwide’s longstanding ag heritage.
“We want National Ag Day to be about showing the world just how connected agriculture is to everyone’s daily lives,” Liggett said. “But it’s just one of 365 days a year that we spend looking ahead to make sure we’re meeting the insurance and risk management needs of farm and ranch families, today and well into the future.” ThisNational AgricultureDay, let’s plan how to protect your next together. Get in touchwith a Nationwide Farm Certified agent or visit NationwideAgribusiness.comto get started.

*A.M. Best Market Share Report 2020. Nationwide, the Nationwide N and Eagle, and Nationwide is on your side are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company.© 2021 Nationwide

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