Broom’s Bloom Dairy in Bel Air | #MemberSpotlight

🌅 Rise & shine, it’s milking time! 🐄

The days at Brooms Bloom Dairy are no stroll in the park; they kick off with the first milking at 5 AM. Following that, there’s a seamless flow from processing to bottling and packaging, and before you know it – it’s time to milk the herd again! 🥛

Despite the demanding hours, the hard work pays off when visitors to their farmers market get to enjoy locally produced milk, cheese, and mouthwatering ice cream!🍦

The real reward comes when you witness the joy on a child’s face as they indulge in locally made ice cream. As Emmy Dallam puts it, “It makes all those hours worth it.”

More photos available on Facebook and Instagram

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